How your Customers will Engage & Retain their Users

1. Push Notifications

Communicate with your users through push notifications to increase brand awareness, improve customer retention and maximize your success.

-Targeting messages allows you to write more personalized messages to groups based on their characteristics.
-Geolocation allows you to reach a precise group of users based on their country or city.
-Push notifications can also be sent according to user behavior: number of times the app has been opened throughout the past 30 days, users who have not installed the latest version of your application, and users who have never received a push notification from you before.
-Depending on the device and operating system used by your audience, push notifications can be targeted to specific smartphone models, only for iOS or Android, and/or for a specific version of either of these systems.
-Automatically dispatched push notifications, can help you to establish a strategy for gaining consistent visibility  without a lot of effort.

2. User Generated Content

Increase user engagement by giving them the opportunity to send you suggestions and ideas via text, photos and videos directly from the application. Allow your users to participate and show them that you value them by including User Generated Content options.

Users can be asked to authenticate via social networks (Facebook or Twitter) before submitting content. The sending process will be simplified for them as they will not have to enter their email address into the application.

3. Forms

Consider including a form (or several) in your app.

A form is a perfect way to accomplish many needs of a business, such as registrations, questionnaires, reservations, etc.
It’s a simple way to gather ideas and information directly from the source, and it enables you to address individual issues requiring the input of a large audience.

4. User authentication and user groups

Create a real community and maximize engagement in your application. Delivering attractive content is not always enough—interaction is what takes it to the next level. Users feeling attachment to an app is not likely, but the probability of increasing user loyalty is higher if there are valuable aspects of the app dedicated specifically to them.

Including an in-app login feature that enables the users to create their own profiles with photos and personal details is a good way to add a more exclusive feeling. This is also beneficial to you, the app owner, as you can use this information to restrict app access to registered users only.

Moreover, users can be categorized into groups and certain sections of the app can be restricted to specific groups.